
A Favourite Word {the naming of Sage}

a favourite word - Photo a Day, May

Sage, the most beautiful word in the world.

Seeing it written or hearing it spoken, makes my heart leap with joy, especially now that she's "real";

"real" as in she's really here... she's really a part of our lives... she's really our baby!

Even now, when others say her name, it gives me little flutters, as, for so long. it was a name that Simon and I were keeping to ourselves until our precious daughter was born. So hearing it uttered from the lips of others still feels a little surreal. As if it's still supposed to be our little secret.

We chose to find out Sage's gender at our 20 week ultrasound. Knowing that she was a 'she' was our way of connecting with her before we could physically see her... smell her...hold her.

To us, knowing her gender, gave her an identity. It made the concept of having a baby less abstract in our minds, as we weren't just having a baby, we were having a daughter.

And as soon as we knew we were being blessed with a little girl, her name was Sage.

Looking back now, we're not quite sure how her name came to be. Although I had my previous blog - "Fields of Sage" {so named for its whimsy connotations}, it was never a name we had short-listed during our 'naming-our-future, not-yet-conceived children' daydreamings over the years.

And because it was a name that we hadn't considered until that 20 week scan, it was as if she named herself with the unveiling of her gender.

I like that thought.

Sage Mila Wren

Sage, meaning 'wise'

Mila {pronounced Mill-Uh} - a shortened version of our sponsor child's name - Camila. Mila means many things, including miracle, pleasant, friendly and gracious.

Wren - an ode to my love of all things bird {hence our wedding theme and Sage's nursery design}. I loved Wren for a potential first name, but Simon was not so keen. Luckily he was happy to include it as an additional middle name.

Wren means 'song bird' which delights me greatly, as 'Songbird' by Eva Cassidy is the song that I walked down the aisle to, on our wedding day. Therefore I feel it represents Simon and I's love, unity and bond, just as Sage herself does.

Our beautiful little miracle, our wise, pleasant song bird, is now the centre of our lives.

Of course Sage is my favourite word. How could it not be? It epitomises my heart and soul.

How did you choose the names of your children? Do they have special or sentimental meanings? I love to hear your stories.

{Photo - We collect any 'sage' garden markers that we come across. This gorgeous one was purchased on our recent trip to Perth}.

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