
Oh Hark

We were so lucky this year to have Christmas celebrations spanning a number of days, making the time spent with those we love all that more relaxing. In our pre-Sage days, we raced to-and-fro, here and there, just to be able to catch everyone on that "one" special, merry day. Often we'd end up travelling more than turkey-gobbling - grabbing fridge contents, throwing presents in the sweltering car and rushing to the next gathering, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, stressed and exhausted by the end of the day. 

However this year, with our little one now holding the hearts of many, we wanted to ensure she had adequate time to bask in all of their love, care and complete adoration {not to mention gifts!} - creating most precious memories as well as invaluable moments of still for her Mummy and Daddy! Here are some snippets of our serene, festive-filled days...


A Merry Morning

Christmas morning... blissful and relaxed, sharing in the giving of sweet gifts and - more importantly - one another's company. Our first Christmas as a little family of three, making the atmosphere of the day even more magical.

I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful day filled with rollicking laughter, heart-felt wishes, delicious food and of course, much love. May you have an incredibly blessed and safe holiday season. I can't wait to hear all about it! x

{More photos of our festive celebrations to come}

Sage's morning gifts... a lovely Hip Kids Retro Wooden Kitchen {purchased on sale, half way through the year} and accompanying it, the ever beautiful wooden delights of Le Toy Van - the Honeybake Breakfast Set and Honeybake Weighing Scales, her Christmas day dress {now unavailable} by Purebaby and the whimsically illustrated Twelve Days of Christmas by Jane Ray. Stuffing her stocking were a family of sheep {additions to her ever expanding Schleich collection}, a Collecta hay bale and a thrifted wooden tractor.



On Saturday afternoon, we witnessed the union of two beautiful friends, Jimmy and Shanan, in a surprise wedding ceremony by the water. Gathered under the guise of celebrating their engagement, we were elated to share in their vows to one another as they became husband and wife.

A truly magical day, spent with truly wonderful people.


Sage's 10 Month Video {& 11 Month Photos}

Our sweet little girl is 11 months old. How quickly this year has passed us by. I cannot believe that in such a short time Sage will be a year old. ONE! Memories of my pregnant tummy and her incredible arrival into this world are still so vivid, yet at the same time seem a lifetime ago.

Here are her adventures as a 10 month old... {including our Christmas celebrations with the Davis family on December 22nd}



1.  like a lady

2.  windowsill festiveness

3.  the only Tuscan cottage we'll ever own!


4. op shop buy of the week


5.  cucumber lover


6.  a new favourite


7.  hand stamped loveliness


8.  Sage's "new" vintage high chair


9.  desk pretties


10. surprise wedding


11.   Aunty Claire's hat

12.  present investigation

13. birthday invitations are go
Joining with...
The Beetle Shack