
A Sweet Little Cottage

We discovered this sweet-as-sugar shape sorter whilst perusing a local op-shop yesterday - oh and did my heart leap with happiness! Scrolling website after website recently, searching for the perfect wooden set, I couldn't have dreamed up the sweet features of this divine little cottage. All for the even more loveable price of just five dollars. Watching Sage explore her "new" toy in warmth of her great-grandparents backyard last night, my mind wandered to those who've loved and cherished this darling house over the years gone by. Isn't there something so simply endearing about a toy with history? From the hands of one to another, the magic of childhood continues...


  1. Oh wow Anna such a gorgeous find! Please take me with you next time you go on one of your treasure hunts. These photos are divine clever girl xxxx

  2. from the hands of one to another .. love that. and also that first picture in particular is simply stunning. x

  3. What a brilliant find! I always break into a quick trot whenever I spy wooden toys at the oppie. They're rare but when you find them....marvellous! Wishing you a beautiful week of smooshing baby cheeks, hot cups of tea and Nana naps. Steph : x

    1. You're right Steph... rare, but oh so fabulous when you do stumble across a goodie! x

  4. I love the cottage :) Don't you love finding little treasures hidden away in Op shops! I love that they have a history and are still yet to be a part of more memories. I once found a vintage blue Ford tractor in an Op Shop and Sunny fell in love with it :) Yes we did walk out of the store with it. It's old but so durable as you can tell it's made from quality materials... Not the stuff Tonka trucks are made from these days...

    Sophie xo

    1. Isn't it amazing how the oldies are often the besties, Sophie! x

  5. Gorgeous photos Anna! Got to love a great op shop find! :)

    1. Thanks Naomi, putting my Nursery skills into practice! x

  6. Wow, what a bargain for such a sweet set! You little baby is adorable ♥
    Sarah xo

    PS thanks for joining my blog

    1. My pleasure Sarah. Thank you for visiting here! We think she's pretty cute too ;-) x

  7. Replies
    1. Oh, and this really cool guy taught me how to use my camera at a workshop called "The Nursery"... you might know him?! ;-)

  8. What a beautiful find Anna and your photos are gorgeous. Have a lovely day:)

    1. So pleased with it Catherine - gotta love an op shop bargain! x


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