
Eighteen | FiftyTwo

A portrait of my little ones; once a week, every week, in 2014 
Sage - you had every doctor and nurse captivated by your charm - each time that you would run off to explore the hospital halls, you would return sticker or stethoscope clad
Alby - oh my dear, dear boy. Never has my heart broken so.
{The 52 Project, inspired by the lovely Jodi}


  1. Lovely portraits. I do hope little Alby is ok xx

  2. I've been thinking of you guys all week. xx

  3. Oh, my heart aches just thinking of what it must've been like for you this week, Anna. I do hope he is better! x

  4. Such beautiful babies you have created! Hope the healing has been swift and that your home and returning to your normal, gentle rhythms. Thinking of you sweet soul xxx

  5. Uh oh. That doesn't look good! Praying for healing for Alby and peace for your heart too.


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