
Patient Hands

Encompassed in my daily interactions with Sage are patient hands... hands that wait.

Hands that at times, yearn to instinctively intervene, however often remain still --
paused by desires of a childhood filled with meaningful discovery, exploration and wonder.

Although this often means the smallest of tasks may take a little longer, uncoordinated fingers may become a little messier and the cleanest of clothes may become a little dirtier, Sage's emerging skills and subsequent sense of pride make it all worthwhile.

Patient hands...

Patient hands are gently encouraging;

     those hands that in their stillness, reveal to a child, a complete faith in their immense capabilities


Patient hands are unassumingly knowledgeable;
     those hands by your side, hold a deep understanding of the immeasurable value in the freedom of exploration


Patient hands are mindfully considered;
     those hands which long to instinctively react, however humbly and intentionally remain motionless in support of profound self-discovery 

Patient hands are unobtrusively loving;
     those hands, that in their silence, inspire an enchantingly captivating childhood in which wonder and curiousity abounds

Does your child experience hands that wait? 


  1. The most beautiful post! And something I hope to be more conscious of xx

  2. lovely words Anna - and I especially love the little hands smushing the apricot. x

  3. Such wise and beautiful words! Yes those patient hands itch some times to reach in and show them the way but I hope more often then not they stay by my side. Dirty and paint stained clothes can be washed and mended and messes packed away. Learning and discovery is just too precious. HOpe your weekend is beautiful ) xx

  4. A beautiful post with gorgeous photos to accompany your wisdom x

  5. So. Good. Literally, I'm at a loss for words. You are a truly inspiring muma. x

  6. your little one is so delightful - as are your words and photos. xo

  7. I've nominated you for a Leibster Award http://alittlebitcountrynz.blogspot.com/2012/12/a-liebster-award.html xo

  8. This is such a beautiful post, Anna. Beautiful photos, and beautiful words.


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