Ever since Alby spent ten days in hospital earlier this year, fighting a nasty infection, Sage has been fascinated by all things doctor, nurse and medical related. She has an unwavering attraction to stethoscopes particularly, stemming from each paediatric specialist who came to visit, handing theirs over for her to 'play doctor'. Even now, months on, she is rarely seen without one draped around her neck!
Following her obvious attraction to the medical world, our next play-based investigation was centered around a hospital scene...

Hospital Reading
Going to the Hospital by Anne Civardi
Maisy goes to Hospital by Lucy Cousins
Harold the Doctor by Monica Hughes
Anna the Nurse by Monica Hughes
Hospital by Jess Stockham
See Inside Your Body by Katie Daynes and Colin King
Eye Know - Body published by Dorling Kindersley
Time-to-Discover series, including: Your Bones, Your Brain, Your Body, Your Muscles, Your Skin and Your Heart all by Melvin and Gilda Berger
Let's Start Science series, including: Hear This, Look Here, Tastes Good, Touch That and Smell It all by Sally Hewitt

Hospital Resources
Stethoscope {here}
Doctor's outfit {here}
Nurse's outfit {here}
Assorted medical accessories {donated/purchased from hospitals and chemists}
White, wooden bed {lucky market find - similar here}
Body puzzle {purchased many years ago - unable to find link}
Red word chart {similar here}
Hospital sign {downloaded from here and laminated}
Body cards {similar, downloaded from here and laminated}
Medical cards {downloaded from here and laminated}
Eye chart {downloaded from here and laminated}
Mirror {set of three, purchased from here}
Mini clip board {here}
Skeletal system poster {here}
Clock {similar here}
Wooden hospital play set {lucky op-shop find, similar here}
Round, blue mat {similar here}
Material and baskets {op-shop purchases}
{Please note - no new items were purchased for this investigation - all have been collected over my years as an early childhood educator}
White, wooden bed {lucky market find - similar here}
Body puzzle {purchased many years ago - unable to find link}
Red word chart {similar here}
Hospital sign {downloaded from here and laminated}
Body cards {similar, downloaded from here and laminated}
Medical cards {downloaded from here and laminated}
Eye chart {downloaded from here and laminated}
Mirror {set of three, purchased from here}
Mini clip board {here}
Skeletal system poster {here}
Clock {similar here}
Wooden hospital play set {lucky op-shop find, similar here}
Round, blue mat {similar here}
Material and baskets {op-shop purchases}
{Please note - no new items were purchased for this investigation - all have been collected over my years as an early childhood educator}

Play-based Learning at Home Series:
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