
Welcome to Chapter 2

Once again I'm feeling the desire to share my life and loves. Fields of Sage began last year {fieldsofsage.tumblr.com}, amazingly at a very similar time to now. I wonder if there's something in the Autumn air that inspires a creative mind? Fields of Sage back then was a way to document the things in life that I found beautiful or inspiring, but it was never a story, a personal journey, an insight into my world.

Chapter 2 will be different.

My main reason for sharing now is a very little one. A ten week old one. A completely perfect in every way one...

My precious new daughter Sage.

Although I have the best intentions of documenting her life through the traditional method of creating scrapbooks that she will be able to flick through and keep forever {I will begin to fill that beautiful, pink, leather album someday soon, I promise darling!} at this point in time, pretty paper and coordinating stickers and just ain't going to consume my day.

Because she does. And time spent with her is magical.

Even though this record won't be as pretty as the album I hope to one day begin {and complete!}, it's a record at the very least. It'll capture our little adventures, our everyday life, my motherhood ponderings and all things pretty along the way.

Soon I'll share the other ways I document Sage's development, including a fantastic online photo book program I've discovered, but in the meantime, I'd love to hear about the ways you record your child's growth. Share your ideas!

So welcome back to Fields of Sage. I'm so glad you're here.

{For 2011 posts go here or for Sage's wardrobe diaries go here}


  1. Beautiful Anna, looking forward to watching your family grow together.

  2. Proud of you - so good to record these precious times. Much love always.
    Robyn Clinch (just so you knew who 'anonymous'was! Am a little IT challenged lol).


Your comments brighten my day, thank you!